It’s time for more cat videos…
Here’s a cat with a distinct approach to drinking:
Two kittens talking:
Red Breasted Nuthatch in Ontario
We saw this Red Breasted Nuthatch at the Sibbald Point Provincial Park in Ontario.
This bird makes funny sounds and can descend head downwards on tree trunks. You can find out more about this bird here
Still the best blog ever:, it’s the best source for pictures and videos of Maru, like this one:
Tweenbots are human-dependent robots that navigate the city with the help of pedestrians they encounter.
Oh, come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,
Oh, come ye, oh, come ye, to Bethlehem.
Come and behold Him, born the King of angels;
* Refrain:
Oh, come, let us adore Him, oh, come, let us adore Him,
Oh come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.
Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation;
Oh, sing, all ye citizens of heav’n above!
Glory to God, all glory in the highest;
Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning;
Jesus, to Thee be all glory giv’n;
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing;